Getting Started
Why a Gratitude Practice?
Gratitude thinking creates a positive mindset shift. It changes our thinking,
which changes our brain chemistry.
And that changes everything.
Andrew D. Huberman, Ph.D. is a neuroscientist and associate professor in the Department of Neurobiology at the Stanford University School of Medicine.
His excellent podcasts are available at
In this video Dr. Huberman explains the benefits and characteristics of an effective gratitude practice.
Creating the Daily Habit
Daily gratitude journaling offers surprising results. A few minutes a day begins to change the things we recognize.
The positive results come from the benefits of shifting awareness and focus, and the emotions that accompany gratitude.

Place Matters
The right atmosphere invites you in. That helps eliminate resistance.
Creating a place that is inviting, peaceful, contains your favorite supporting materials, like coffee or tea, color pens, and maybe the perfect music.
Create your space.
It matters.

The Power of Identity Habits
James Clear, author of best-selling Atomic Habits emphasizes the importance of choosing the right habit. It should help you become the person you want to be and the life you want to live. This is called an “identity-habit.”
Journaling with a focus on gratitude, self-awareness, and self-appreciation, is a powerful way to create happiness, health, success, better relationships, and self-appreciation. It is truly an identity habit.
Gratitude Mojo is not your typical blank-page gratitude journal.
In this 26-week guided journey, you will experience
In this 26-week guided journey, you will experience
- a guided practice designed for 5 to 10 minutes a day
- combining ancient wisdom with current neuroscience
- weekly themes to focus our gratitude exploration
- quotes and stories from over 200 thought leaders
- exercises, daily gratitudes, weekly reflections and wins
- new levels of self-awareness and self-appreciation
- new and easy habit creations
- exploration and appreciation of a full range of emotions
- spiral-bound, 8 1/2 by 11 journal/workbook
- over 200 pages of inspiration
- high quality paper for an excellent writing experience
- the joy of self-discovery and feelings of satisfaction